Launch of Color Trend 2025 and pre-launch of the IV World Plastic Connection Summit

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Carlos Moreira

Executive director of INP and Think Plastic Brazil projects

Carlos Moreira holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a focus on Strategy from Insper. He also completed an MBA in Strategic and Economic Project Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). With over 24 years of experience, he assists companies across various sectors of the economy in achieving sustainable, collaborative, and participatory growth through strategic planning, resource alignment and project management. Carlos has worked with more than 200 companies, aiming to create value for their key stakeholders, and has successfully executed over 150 projects both nationally and internationally

Marco Lobo


PhD student at FGV CPDOC, master in Design from the University of Brasília (UNB) and specialist in design. With 20 years of experience in public design policies and promotion of international trade, he is a consultant for the Brazilian Design Program, of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade. He worked as Innovation and Design Manager at ApexBrasil.

Gabriela de Matos


Architect from PUC Minas and won the Golden Lion for Best National Representation at the 2023 Venice International Architecture Biennale with the curatorial project ‘Terra’, an unprecedented award for Brazil until then. She is a master's student at Diversitas - Center for the Study of Diversities, Intolerances and Conflicts at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP. She was co-president of the Institute of Architects of Brazil in the department of São Paulo (IABsp), having been the first black woman to hold the position.

Jum Nakao


Brazilian designer and creative director. Its portfolio includes organizing the closing of the London Olympic Games and the opening of the Olympic Games in Brazil. He has also exhibited at international events such as the New Zealand Arts Festival, the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art and the Milan Design Fair.



Master of ceremony



President of the Council of the National Plastics Institute (INP)


Executive President of the National Plastics Institute (INP)


Industry and Services Manager at Apexbrasil


Drumomond Advisors


Director of Institutional Relations and Compliance - Valgroup

Activity schedule

Institutional Opening

Are we going to understand the world of converted plastics even more, with a vision based on design, innovation and sustainability? This is the proposal of Think Plastic Brazil, a portfolio of solutions for the plastic-converted products sector in the industrialization process for target markets carried out through a partnership between ApexBrasil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency) and the INP (National Plastic Institute).

Trend lecture

Two great Brazilian design representatives, always focusing on innovation and sustainability, will present the latest trends at the Ambiente (Germany) and The Inspired Home Show (United States) fairs.


Carlos Moreira, executive director of the National Plastics Institute (INP) and Think Plastic Brazil projects, summarizes the perspectives for the new cycle and talks about the preparation for the next World Plastic Connection Summit, which will take place from April 8th to 10th 2025, and presents the new Color Trend 2025, curated by architect Gabriela de Matos.

Gabriela de Matos Lecture

Architect Gabriela de Matos presents the colors, inspirations and results of the new Color Trend 2025 and talks about her creation process for the annual color trend project for Brazilian converted plastic.