IV World Plastic Connection Summit
The event features lectures and workshops aimed at companies in the sector, including the agribusiness, toys, housewares, construction, packaging and supplies.
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We invite you to the biggest plastics event in Latin America.
Event Venue
Novotel Center Norte in São Paulo
Event Date
April 8-10, 2025
Simultaneous broadcast in Portuguese, English and Spanish
Want to support the Summit?
exhibiting members
sensitized importers
sensitized converted plastics industries
About the event
World Plastic Connection Summit
The largest international event in the Brazilian converted plastics sector
1st day | April 8th
Color Trend
Hybrid International Seminar
Image Promotion
International Yearbook
International Award
2nd day | April 09
Buyers Project International Show
Consulting Clinics
Image Promotion
Technical Visits
Gabriela de Matos
Arquiteta pela PUC Minas e venceu o Leão de Ouro de Melhor Representação Nacional da Bienal Internacional de Arquitetura de Veneza de 2023 com o projeto curatorial ‘Terra’, prêmio inédito para o Brasil até então. É mestranda do Diversitas - Núcleo de Estudos das Diversidades, Intolerâncias e Conflitos da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas (FFLCH) da USP. Foi co-presidente do Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil no departamento de São Paulo (IABsp), tendo sido a primeira mulher negra a ocupar o cargo.
Jum Nakao
Designer e diretor de criação brasileiro. Seu portfólio inclui a organização do encerramento dos Jogos Olímpicos de Londres e de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos no Brasil. Ele também expôs em eventos internacionais, como o Festival de Artes da Nova Zelândia, o Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Tóquio e a Feira de Design de Milão.
Marco Lobo
Doutorando da FGV CPDOC, mestre em Design pela Universidade de Brasília (UNB) e especialista em design. Com 20 anos de experiência em políticas públicas de design e promoção do comércio internacional, é consultor do Programa Brasileiro de Design, do Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior. Atuou como Gerente de Inovação e Design da ApexBrasil.
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Promoted By
Think Plastic Brazil was created in December 2003, when the Brazilian integrated plastics chain was selected as one of the 10 largest in the world, recognized for its high technology and the capacity of its human resources.
The project is carried out in partnership with ApexBrasil (Brazilian Export and Investment Promotion Agency), under the coordination of the National Plastics Institute (INP), to promote the export of transformed plastic products. www.thinkplasticbrazil.com
Previous editions
Check out past editions of the World Plastic Connection Summit
Record results from the last edition (2023)
121 companies
930 meetings
31 international buyers
US$ 4.8 million
in business generated during the event
US$ 37.5 million
in expected results over the following 12 months
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II World Plastic Connection Summit
The first hybrid edition of the event
US$ 3,.06 millions
in business generated during the event
US$ 31.695 million
in expectation of results in the following 12 months
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I World Plastic Connection Summit
First online-only edition of the event
US$ 250.000
in business generated during the event
US$ 3.12 million
in expectation of results in the following 12 months
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