Launch of Color Trend 2025 and pre-launch of the IV World Plastic Connection Summit
Think Plastic Brazil marked an important milestone for the converted plastics industry with the launch of Color Trend 2025 and the pre-launch of the IV World Plastic Connection Summit. Held on June 21, 2024, the event highlighted innovation and sustainability in the sector.
The event featured the institutional opening by José Ricardo Roriz Coelho (ABIPLAST), Marcio Sanitá (Braskem), Carlos Moreira (INP and Think Plastic Brazil), Eduardo Berkovitz (Valgroup), Maria Paula Velloso (ApexBrasil), Maikon Izabel (Drummond Advisors), in addition to lectures by Marco Lobo (Think Plastic Brazil), Jum Nakao (Color Trend 2024) and Gabriela de Matos (Color Trend 2025).
Event numbers
Professionals participating in person
Companies participating in person
Accesses to the digital platform
Participating countries
Color Trend 2025
Color Trend 2025 is signed for the first time by a black woman, architect Gabriela de Matos, who brings much of her repertoire to this process, including references related to Brazilian architecture and indigenous peoples. The guide was launched at Fispaltec on June 21, 2024.
Color Trend 2025
Gabriela de Matos
An architect graduated from PUC Minas, Gabriela won the Golden Lion for Best National Representation at the 2023 Venice International Architecture Biennale with the curatorial project ‘Terra’, an award that was unprecedented for Brazil until then.
She is a master’s student at Diversitas – Center for the Study of Diversity, Intolerance and Conflicts at the Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP. She was co-president of the Institute of Brazilian Architects in the São Paulo department (IABsp), having been the first black woman to hold the position.
Download the event e-book and discover all the incredible details that happened!
Previous editions
Check out past editions of the World Plastic Connection Summit
Record results from the last edition (2023)
121 companies
930 meetings
31 international buyers
US$ 4.8 million
in business generated during the event
US$ 37.5 million
in expected results over the following 12 months
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II World Plastic Connection Summit
The first hybrid edition of the event
US$ 3,.06 millions
in business generated during the event
US$ 31.695 million
in expectation of results in the following 12 months
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I World Plastic Connection Summit
First online-only edition of the event
US$ 250.000
in business generated during the event
US$ 3.12 million
in expectation of results in the following 12 months
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