
Color Trend 2024

Launched during the III World Plastic Connection Summit, an event held in hybrid format (in person and online) between August 21 and 24, 2023, Color Trend 2024 is curated by Jum Nakao. The designer and creative director has several international projects in his portfolio. This edition presents Brazil as an authority on light and color, thanks to its variety of biomes. Brazil’s colors reflect this multiplicity, expressing our identity and celebrating our plurality.

Curator of the 2024 edition

Jum Nakao

Jum Nakao is a Brazilian designer and creative director. His portfolio includes impactful projects, including the closing of the London Olympic Games and the opening of the Olympic Games in Brazil.

He has also exhibited at international events such as the New Zealand Arts Festival, the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo and the Milan Design Fair.

“Brazil hosts an exuberance of colors. My desire was to connect people beyond colors. We are a country blessed by light.”

Jum Nakao
Designer and Creative Director

International diffusion

All editions of Color Trend are promoted at the sector’s main international events, which are part of the Think Plastic Brazil calendar.

In addition to the Brazilian booths always being developed in the colors of the study, various promotional initiatives are also carried out with different stakeholders.

  • Check out some initiatives to promote the 2024 edition.
  • + 150 books distributed among member companies
  • Presence of the books and Brazilian products developed with the colors of the study in the events supported by Think Plastic Brazil, such as the World Plastic Connection Summit 2023, Ambiente 2024 and The Inspired Home Show 2024.
  • Dissemination of content by 119 SECOMs worldwide
  • Distribution of more than 50 books to opinion-makers
  • Delivery of units to authorities at the Brazilian Embassy in Frankfurt
  • Color of the Month campaign with a color for each month of the year

Numbers of the project




Printed units


Renowned professionals as curators

+ 0 mil

Face-to-face participants in the presentation

Discover four reasons why Brazilian companies use Color Trend in the development of their products and their international diffusion.


Inspiration from some of the biggest names in creativity and design in Brazil.


Global prominence for your products in showcases and stands at the world's major events

Differentiation and innovation

Products development with 100% national DNA


Be noted by main global opinion-makers in the converted plastics market


Find out more about the World Plastic Connection Summit and the eight projects that are part of the ecosystem.

The World Plastic Connection Summit emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic as a response to the need to create an internationalization ecosystem that would allow access to foreign markets in an innovative way. After all, during this period, it became clear that companies needed new channels and platforms to overcome barriers to trade and communication. In this way, the event was conceived to be the epicenter of growth and development strategies for Brazil’s plastics industry through an integrated set of projects and initiatives.


More than simply generating business, the World Plastic Connection Summit seeks to create an environment in which innovation, design and sustainable practices are debated, developed and disseminated. The agenda aims not only to highlight companies that are investing in internationalization, but also to position Brazil as a global leader.

The World Plastic Connection Summit has positioned itself as an innovative ecosystem, with eight differentiated projects, capable of providing companies with networking, commercial promotion, business, image, information and training activities, among others. The event has the unique ability to integrate all segments of the plastics production chain: from the extraction and production of raw materials to the transformation of these inputs into end products.


In addition, the program covers the entire market, involving retailers, industries, distributors, and both local and international buyers, creating a diverse environment for exchange and collaboration. Also, important is the attention paid to the end of the life cycle of plastic products, promoting conscious disposal practices and effective recycling and treatment strategies.


This holistic approach not only strengthens business connections, but also emphasizes environmental responsibility, positioning ESG debates at the forefront of the global plastics industry.


The World Plastic Connection Summit ecosystem was created to address different aspects of the industry and is divided into eight independent projects that complement each other within the program.


International Award

This award is a way of recognizing and valuing industries in the sector that are excelling in the internationalization process. It seeks to encourage competitiveness in both local and global markets, serving as recognition of achievements and as motivation for continued investment in practices that support international expansion.


Hybrid International Seminar

The technical seminar takes place in a hybrid format, offering simultaneous translation to reach a global audience. This event brings together world-renowned professionals to discuss topics such as innovation, market trends, sustainability, ESG and design. It is a platform for exchanging knowledge and best practices, providing valuable insights for all links in the plastics chain.


Buyers Project International Show

An initiative that brings potential international buyers to Brazil, covering all expenses, so that they can meet directly with member companies. This project is a showcase for Brazil’s export capabilities and facilitates direct and effective negotiations.


Color Trend

A color trend book that reflects Brazil’s cultural and natural diversity. The project aims to position Brazil as a global trendsetter, using colors as a competitive edge in the sales strategies of Brazilian companies.


International Yearbook

A yearbook highlighting the sector’s main developments and successes, distributed internationally through a vast network of SECOMs, embassies and consulates. The Yearbook is a crucial tool for showing the world the potential and readiness of the Brazilian plastics sector to meet global demands.


Consulting Clinics

Consulting clinics that offer support during business rounds, helping to resolve issues that may arise in the internationalization process. This support is vital to ensure that negotiations are successful and companies can successfully navigate the complex international trade environment.


Image Promotion

A project focused on improving the image of the Brazilian plastics sector globally by bringing international journalists to experience the innovation and commitment to sustainability of Brazilian companies up close. This project is essential for communicating the values and quality of Brazilian plastics to a wider audience.


Technical Visits

Technical visits organized for international buyers to the facilities of Brazilian companies, allowing them to personally validate quality and production processes. These visits are essential for building trust and consolidating commercial relations.

Produced by Think Plastic Brazil, Color Trend is an international guide focused on and researched from a Brazilian perspective, with total dedication to the converted plastics industry. Produced in three languages, it brings the complete chart that guides the sector in the year following its publication.


The study is signed annually by big names in Brazilian design, always with a focus on Brazil’s culture and innovative potential. Previous editions have been signed by Walter Rodrigues (2022), Alexandre Herchcovitch (2023), Jum Nakao (2024) and Gabriela de Matos (2025).

The World Plastic Connection Summit has shown impressive and consistent growth since its creation, consolidating itself as an essential platform for internationalization, innovation and sustainability in the plastics sector. Between 2021 and 2023, the event not only overcame challenges, but also reached new heights of success, becoming an unmissable opportunity for companies seeking visibility and global impact.


Investing in this ecosystem offers a number of strategic advantages. The event provides global visibility, connects sponsors to an international network of leaders and innovators, and demonstrates a commitment to innovation and sustainability. With growing participation, media recognition and robust commercial results, the Summit is positioned as an ideal platform for companies wishing to expand their influence and impact in the plastics sector.

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See other projects to speed up your company's internationalization process

Image Promotion
Consulting Clinics
Projeto Comprador (International Show)
International Seminar
Technical Visits
Year Book
Color Trend

Select a project to find out more.​

Others editions

Launched annually since 2020, presenting the trends of 2021, Color Trend brings unique and timeless perspectives on Brazilian culture. Click on the links below to see the other editions produced and signed by Walter Rodrigues (2022), Alexandre Herchcovitch (2023) and Gabriela de Matos (2025).

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